Underground Worx Design Studio

Webpage/Website Layout Examples Gallery


Layout Examples Gallery Homepage

Basic HTML Webpage Example

Bootstrap Layout Examples

W3 CSS Layout Examples

Responsive Grid System Example

Fluid Pagewrap Layout Examples

Fluid Template 1 Layout Examples

Design Studio Homepage

Underground Worx Companies Homepage

Underground Worx Companies proudly supports the SMCGAoA, and provides contribution by donating all internet services free of charge.

Browse through the Webpage and Website Layout Examples using the Navigation Menu on the left. Each Layout will have the Navigation Menu tailored within the style of each website for similar navigation choices. At any time you may return to the Layout Examples Gallery Homepage by using the link provided, or browse to additional examples using related links.

If a style of website is to your liking and fits your needs or requirements, be sure to note the URL address and the name of the style, so that you may request the particular style for your usage.

Static vs. Fluid vs. Responsive Layout Design

A 'Static' Layout Design webpage or website does not 'scale' or adjust to different screen types/sizes and the placement of elements on screen is in a 'fixed position'. Doing so will cause the webpage/website to render incorrectly on any device screen size other than the size it was designed for. The use of 'Static' Design has been nearly abandoned.

The main difference between Fluid Layout Designs and Responsive Layout Designs is that Fluid Layouts (also called Liquid Layouts) are based on proportionally laying out your website so elements take up the same percentage of space on different screen sizes, while Responsive Design uses CSS Media Queries to present different layouts based on screen sizes/type of screen of different devices. Layouts in the 'Responsive', 'W3CSS' and 'Bootstrap' methods/styles are all Responsive Designs.

Our staff can help take an idea that you have in mind and develop it into a reality, working with you or your staff to meet the needed requirements and goals for the creation of your web site to be published on the world wide web. We can assist or manage for you each aspect of web site creation including logo and graphics manipulation, web site design, acquiring a domain name, and both setting up and maintaining hosted server space. Any and all content created for you by our team is your DATA and all files are presented to you for your own backup, use and manipulation at the finalization of each assigned project. Each project assigned to our studio is seen as a new and exciting challenge to program and style information into an appealing, visually presentable format for presentation and use on the world wide web.

Our studio also works closely with Underground Worx Advertising in the creation of advertisements for use on the web and can do the same for your firm if requested.

Contact the Design Studio through the CONTACTS page to present your ideas, needs, and requirements for rendering and development.